Noemi Biasetton

22/01 — 22/06/2025


Noemi Biasetton writes and researches in the field of design. After completing her Bachelor's degree at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano in Design and Arts, she graduated in Information Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven. In 2022 she received her PhD in the Design Science curriculum at the IUAV University of Venice. Through her work she explores the role of design practices in relation to political discourse. Her practice includes writing articles, collaborating with authors as an editor, teaching and research for cultural and educational institutions. She is the author of the book SUPERSTORM. Design and Politics in the Age of Information (Onomatopoeia, 2024) and editor of the Bookcloud publishing project (bruno, 2022 - ongoing).

Starting from the text Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire by Jack Halberstam (Duke University Press, 2020) and Maurice Sendak's picture book Where the Wild Things Are (1963), her project at Scuola Piccola Zattere will examine the metaphors of the ‘wild’ and the ‘feral’ within design action, focusing on marginalised, non-industrial and queer practices as fundamental resources for a new design narrative.